Wednesday, June 3, 2009


As many of you know, I am planning an exchange to Tokyo, Japan for six months. I'll be studying both Japanese language and culture at a school in the Shinjuku ward of Tokyo city. The program is through KCP ( ).
I will be leaving from the Seattle airport on July 1, 2009 really, really early in the morning. As of right now, my current dilemma is what type of camera to bring with me. I hope to get one that will do video as well as snapshots, just so that I can keep everyone a bit more up to date.
As for a computer, my parents got me a new laptop to take with me. It's an HP Pavilion which isn't the best computer out there, but it does everything that I need it to. Its best feature is that it's so small that it fits in my purse. I'm really excited for this trip. Hope you all enjoy it too.


  1. Yaaaay, Pandaaa.
    You better have an awesome time in Japan and tell us all about it!

  2. Don't forget to check laws about cameras in Japan, to make sure there aren't any requirements (like making noise) about cameras in general...

    I wish you luck! Enjoy your fantastical adventure into the world of that-part-of-the-world-that-produces-things-to-make-the-rest-of-the-world-doubletake! World!

  3. I better get to see you before you leave! Even if its just a lil visit by the lab leah! Will miss you lots!

    -love always-

  4. Hi Leah,
    My girlfriend went to Japan years ago as a "tall beautiful westerner" and her advise is to:
    "Just be herself, they love young Westerners. Tell her to not be put off by everything being very crowded, lots of people in small spaces. They are very polite but it is not rude to push in their culture. She should learn some simple phrases and have fun. Most young people speak english."
    Sounds like good advise :) HAVE A BLAST!
