Saturday, July 4, 2009

Tests of DOOM (and pictures... finally)

OK, so, yesterday fas fun. First, we had our entrance ceremony. It must have taken about 2 hours. This means that it could have been done in around half an hour. First, someone would give a speach in Japanese, then this other guy would translate it into Chinese, then Tanaka-san translated it into English, and then, another lady would translate into Korean. It took for ever. There are apparently a lot of really interesting clubs and extra classes that we can take. I'm really interested in the poetry one and the cooking one. I'm also thinking about joining the soccer club if I have the time.

After the enterence ceremony, we had to take tests and do interviews with the teachers in order to get placed into a class. They basically told me that I could go into the level 3 class if I really wanted to, but that it would be hard for me to get good grades. Thus, I decied that it would probably be best to learn the rest of what I didn't know from level 2, before moving on to level 3 next term. So, level 2 it is!

As for other stuff, I finally got my bag delivered last night, so, I can show you my pictures now!

Here are couple from my flight... you couldn't really see much...

This is above Canada ^_^

This is where I should be able to see Japan, but it's cloudy :( so sad...

OK, this is a view from my hotel room in Narita (about 2 hours from Ikebukuro where I'm staying)... I really like how green all of the plants are here. It makes me happy ^_^

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