Friday, September 11, 2009

Homestay!!!!!!! ^_^ !!!!!!!! (I don't think I put enough !'s there...) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11one!

Anyway, I get a home-stay, and I'm super excited! I think their last name is Saito, but I'm not positive on that one. They have 3 kids, the youngest is a baby girl just 1 year old, the next is a boy who's attending kindergarten, and the oldest is a girl in elementary school. They live in Futako-tamagawa, which is about a 40 minute train ride from school, plus however long it takes to walk to the station. That isn't bad at all! The other host family that they were considering for me lived on the beach, which would have been nice, but that's almost a 2 hour train ride to shinjuku! This one is much, much better! I can't wait to meet them! I get to move in on the first! Wish me luck not messing up on introductions or anything stupid like that! I hope my host mother is good at cooking, because I want to learn a few recipes from her (if she'll let me, that is...) I really want to learn how to make gyoza and mochi... (Japanese pot stickers, and rice flower pastries that are sometimes filled with ice cream) ok, I'll quit with the run on paragraph now, and get to studying... test on Monday, another one on Tuesday, 5 day weekend, and then a final on the 25th (next Friday). ^_^

ps. I can't believe I actually got a host family! this is awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Hoorah! congrats on the homestay. I'm sure you'll get along excellently with your new host family. Be sure to corrupt the children(... well, okay, they're more likely to corrupt you.)

    Good luck on the tests, if there's anything us crazy people still in America can do to help, just let us know.

  2. That's really awesome! I know how much you wanted to be with an actual family, and being out of the dorm will probably be great for you. Good luck on your exams, I know you'll do well!

    Hopefully your host mother teaches you a bunch of the recipes you want to know. I mean that in a completely non-self-interested I-certainly-don't-expect-you-to-cook-decadent-Japanese-food-for-me way.


    ... <_<
