Wednesday, September 16, 2009

There's no one left...

So, all the Americans who were only staying for one semester left today. It's kind of nice, cause no one's clomping around upstairs, but I feel sort of lonely. As of right now, there's me, and one of the Malaysian girls home right now. That's it. No one else... I wonder where the other four still living here are right now... Sad thing is, that the new people don't come until a week after I leave for my home-stay on the 1st, so It's gonna be like this for a while. Michelle leaves on the 28th (I think), so It's going to get even quieter before the joy of a host family. Oh, well. Not much I can do about it. Just another excuse to actually study for the test tomorrow. Wish me luck! ^_^

1 comment:

  1. Pshaw, who needs luck when the mental might of Leah-sama is behind a task? We can however form a cheer squad. Between the people watching this space we totally have enough to throw together a Hare Hare Yukai squad, or at least a couple of Elite Beat Agent teams.

    Sorry everything is a bit lonely, at least you still have the internets. Its like the force, it binds us together and never leaves us.
